NEWS Announcement: A Guarantee for Work

“A Guarantee to all working-age NSV members for the opportunity to work in any NSV worldwide”

Membership in a New Sharing Village(NSV) entitles you to the Right to work. Each NSV has approximately 375 jobs available, locally. You, as a working-age adult may apply for any job in any NSV worldwide. Usually acceptance by a Village means you will relocate and work there.

This is your Right throughout your working-age years (18-64) and is a Universal World Right(#7) for each NSV citizen on the planet.

All of this is possible because each NSV Shares all Goods and Services locally within each Village, including “the fruits of all Labour”.

This NSV Universal Right also guarantees there will never be any more unemployment , anywhere on the planet, ever again.


To qualify, you must be Poor.

  • Check the Poverty Table to see if you qualify.
  • You must live in a NSV (apply, get accepted, move)
  1. If there are no NSV’s currently available:
    • Seed Funding to start
    • Gather 200 workers
    • Build
    • Follow with another after 12 months
  2. Or else wait for the next NSV from 1. above.


Note: If you are not Poor according to the above criteria, then just Donate until you qualify as Poor, and then apply, or do both at the same time – Donate and Apply…



NEWS Announcement: No-Cost Lifetime Medical Care for every NSV member

To qualify, you must be Poor.

  • Check the Poverty Table to see if you qualify.
  • You must live in a NSV (apply, get accepted, move)
  1. If there are no NSV’s currently available:
    • Seed Funding to start
    • Gather 200 workers
    • Build
    • Follow with another after 12 months
  2. Or else wait for the next NSV from 1. above.

As a member of a New Sharing Village(NSV), you and your Family are entitled to “Level Good”[1] Medical Care provided locally in your Village. As Regional Holpitals are constructed, full access to these are included as well, also at no cost.

This is your Right throughout your life to use this Medical Care in any NSV location in the world – while traveling or in the event you move to another NSV. This is also a Universal World Right(#2) for each NSV citizen on the Planet.

All of this no-cost Service each NSV provides to all members is made possible  because of the Local Sharing of all Goods and Services within each Village.

Note: If you are not Poor according to the above criteria, then just Donate until you qualify as Poor, and then apply, or do both at the same time – Donate and Apply…




[1] There are five levels of Medical Care:

  1. Poor
  2. Adequate
  3. Good
  4. Very Good
  5. Excellent

As far as Medical Care is concerned, ‘Excellent’ Care is the current level offered to the wealthy with no funding issues, and ‘Poor’ Care is what the poor can expect with no medical care plan and very limited, if any, government health care found in a developing country.